0 Noovie Noovie

Mobile, Web, and App Game Design

Noovie Fantasy League

Noovie Fantasy League is a fun and engaging game for movie lovers. Think fantasy football meets box office success.


Design Lead,
UX / UI Designer


Complete Platform Redesign
Brand Identity

Connect with Others

Insights / Process

Using research to find painpoints from the original game, we brainstormed solutions, created and tested wireframes, and used these inights to guide visual design.

The original game was difficult to use and elusive to understand. During every interview there was evidence of usability issues, including the inability to understand major features and nomenclature. The solution was to make the game easier and more engaging by removing information gaps and integrating contextual help within the experience to aid new players. We also leveled the playing field by introducing other game play options (e.g. head-to-head, tournament) to give new players a feeling of success.


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